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Many people are wary of drinking alcohol for fear of the dreaded hangover. But there are several ways to reduce the chances of experiencing one, and if you do drink too much, there are ways to help ease its severity. We aim to help you find that perfect balance between getting drunk and not feeling like death in the morning with this helpful guide! 1) Drink at a slower pace. This means having more breaks during your sessions, spacing drinks out by an hour or two, and avoiding shots. It's also smart not to drink on an empty stomach or mix different types of alcohol together (e.g., beer with wine). 2) Do not drink on an empty stomach. Alcohol consumption should never be on an empty stomach. This will increase the rate at which you get drunk and slow down your body's natural ability to metabolise the alcohol, meaning you are more likely to experience vomiting or nausea. Also avoid drinking too much before bed. Instead, try having a nice meal with your alcohol consumption to help your body better process it. 3) Eat during your drinking sessions. Having food in your stomach helps slow the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream by breaking it down into smaller particles that are then absorbed more slowly throughout the digestive tract, helping prevent that sudden rush of euphoria you might otherwise experience known as 'the crack'. 4) Drink water. This may seem like a no brainer, but water consumption can help your body process the alcohol faster and reduce your hangover symptoms. 5) Plan ahead for your hangover. A hangover can last as long as 12 hours, so try to at least rest for a few hours before getting up the next morning. You also want to give yourself enough time to adequately recover, so if you do experience one the next morning, you should already be feeling better by then! For instance, whiskey is known to actually work as a painkiller and antibiotic and has been shown in numerous studies to effectively decrease hangover symptoms immediately upon consumption. 6) Eat some food. It's very likely that you will experience some hangover symptoms after drinking, especially if you are an inexperienced drunkard. Try to avoid any foods that are known to trigger nausea or vomiting, such as fatty foods, cheese, tomato sauce, etc. instead opt for some light snacks. For instance, try mixing in some nuts into your recovery smoothie! This will help to stabilise the blood sugar levels and promote a healthy release of endorphins while also boosting your metabolism and reducing inflammation. 7) Some people swear by this one: drink a little bit of whiskey before going to bed. This is called a 'hair-of-the-dog' and can be a great way to ease your hangover symptoms, as well as prolong the effects of alcohol in your system by allowing you to consume more before needing to sober up. 8) Eat some greasy foods. Greasy foods are very popular among hangover sufferers because they usually help reduce overall inflammation and slow the speed at which your blood rises and falls for a few hours after eating it. cfa1e77820